Good reasons to shop local

Good reasons to start a shop local 
campaign in your town

Shopping locally retains communities 

People don’t like losing shops and services in villages and small towns, but don’t always equate this to how they spend their money. Shops will only survive if customers spend locally – so if you want a vibrant town centre, where people can socialise as well as shop, start thinking about how to encourage people to shop locally. 

Shopping local retains distinctiveness 

No clone towns allowed! 
Many town centres in Britain look the same with franchises and multinationals. Independent shops create distinctive shopping experiences and stock different products. Independent shops keep traditional local products alive. They respond more quickly to the needs of local customers, stocking products to meet the changing population needs. They can also be more innovative . . . organic products were first developed by independent traders. 

Shopping local creates jobs 

Shops in our villages and town centres create local employment and self-employment. These people in turn spend in the local economy. Over half a million people are employed in retail in our villages and rural towns. Evidence shows that for every £10 spent in an independent shop £25 is generated for the local economy compared to £14 spent in multinationals. 

Local independent shops invest more in communities 

Sole traders and independent stores are proportionally more generous in their support for local charities, carnivals, schools and community events. So supporting local shops means a financial return for your community. 

Shopping local saves the environment 

We are all aware of COemissions and our environmental impact. Local shops, often stock a high percentage of locally sourced goods and products, and long car & bus journeys aren't required, so helping reduce global footprints. 

Shopping local saves services 

Private, voluntary and public sector services cluster around shops. The loss of the high street often corresponds to a reduction in these services. As shops disappear, so do hairdressers, vets, dentists etc.

Local shops are for everyone 

Most people can get to their local shops easily and this is especially important for elderly, vulnerable and young people and those without transport. Keeping your shops open by buying locally helps the whole community. 

Local shops sell a wide range of great products at affordable prices 

Many people get out of the habit of shopping locally & are then surprised by the range of products and gifts available. 

Shopping local saves money

Out of town shops have done a good job of convincing us all that sole traders are expensive, but the evidence just isn't there to back this up . If you add in travel, parking costs, fees to transport larger items home and your time, the overall cost is often much higher. 

Local shops value customers more 

Evidence from numerous surveys shows people receive better customer care and service in local shops. Traders survive by their reputation and repeat business – so shopping local means customers get a higher standard of service. 

If you would like to start your own local campaign here are some useful links:


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